March 21, 2017 Daryl Procinsky

A Greater Purpose (First Steps)

Blessed With Great Clients & With Amazing Projects

After 25 years in a traditional practice Architectural Practice, building a vibrant firm, and completing some world class projects, something was missing.  I needed to find personal fulfillment and I longed for:

  • The intimacy of the Client Relationship
  • The challenge of Applied Research
  • The ecstasy of uncovering the “Magic of Design”

I left traditional practice behind and began the search of my calling… Very soon the “Me” became “We” as my wife Joy who joined me in the quest to find “our purpose”.  Together we distilled our experiences down to our talents.  Then we refined this to our true passion…  We confirmed that our best work was done when we were having fun and were deeply tied to the client.  After a period of searching for a “greater purpose”, we came to a centered understand of these truths:

  • We choose to work only with people that we love
  • We will only work on projects that are of great personal meaning and importance (anything affecting the human condition).

At the time we never considered how a dedication to these truths would affect us.  From the outside one might imagine we have significantly reduced our potential client list…  More importantly to us this focus has actually been quite empowering, we are now free to work toward pursuing our “Greater Purpose”

We Make Beautiful Things With Wonderful People.

We created Design Revolution Ltd to share the passion of the visceral, intimate, and adrenaline fueled creative emotional roller-coaster that is Design with you.  We love uncovering the stories that are the essence of our client’s deeply personal dreams and to masterfully bring beautiful, creative creations to life.

Sharing this renewed passion is incredibly rewarding.  Time is invested in broad and deep thought with a dedication to creating truly beautiful results that are relevant and authentic for our clients.  Experience has taught us to push the envelope until we break through… When we explode through, we decide what is appropriate to impart.

Measuring Our Effectiveness

When Design Revolution Ltd began, we did not want to be restricted by anything or anyone.  We renewed greatly valued friendships, discovered new sensitivities, and embraced the “change opportunities”.  Sure, great in principle but is it possible to go back to our “old school roots” and make it fun again?

As we look back at our first three (3) years it seems incredible to think that we remained true to our truths.

  • Year one we were very quiet and hungry (strangely desperate )
  • Year two – some friends discovered us (gleefully ignited creativity)
  • Year three – we actually remain true to our fundamental truths… We really did it! (elevated appreciation of the truths)

Our clients transform into friends for life!

The projects are reflections of our friend’s very powerful and creative spirit.  We have been trusted to translate, innovate, and elevate their musings into solid ideas and it has been our pleasure and honor to do so (all featured in our Greater Purpose Series).

  • A beautiful Eco-Retreat on the inside passage, Hudson Island BC
  • A Retirement Home & Orphanage in Hyderabad, India
  • Re-imagining a camp for disadvantaged children along the Sturgeon River in Alberta
  • The Mikisew Cree Center for Education in Fort Chipewyan Alberta.
  • Visioning and designing a full immersive learning environment for Volunteer First Responders in Drayton Valley AB
  • Developing a Self-Sustaining Shelter for International Disaster Relief
  • Display Design for the historic tools used by Canadian Carpenters and Jointers.
  • Orchestrating the Master Plan for the Westlock Mediation Center managed by the Edmonton Buddhist Research Institute
  • Re-imagining the future of the “Future Bank Branch” for Servus Credit Union
  • Creating of a “Lotus Pagoda” at the Westlock Mediation Center

We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to build new friendships, to be trusted to hold and nurture the dreams, and to be respected.  That inspires us to exceed the expectations of these truly wonderful people…

Sometimes the end of the road is just the beginning of a new journey – a Greater Purpose

About the Author

Daryl Procinsky Dad to 3 great girls, Husband to my "JOY", know as a design architect for the last 25 years... Going back to the roots of design to re-ignite the talent and create magic but most of all to have fun! I cherish and nurture the dreams of my friends old and new, I bring a fresh fun and authentic style to each challenge... lets Start Today!!!